UNcreative writing

In today’s CTS lecture, we were asked to browse the web and copy and paste sections to recreate a poem, list, memoir, etc. I choose to make a poem from the frapes and comments on those statuses on my facebook timeline.

Title: This isnt a frape

is it gay if a girl poo’d on me?

Does this mean Lynda’s back from Switzerland ?

just letting everyone know I’m a lesbo dnt care what you thinkk

its okay,im here for you.

I’m gay and like licking baby pigeons. Mmmm pigeon narnii

I have covereted to the religion muslim…

i think you mean converted bitch


I love boshra begum she’s the best in the world and I rebeca am an idiot asshole

hahahah very funny

roisha is the best, if only i was her…ahhhh would be a dream come true

Real good role model there

I love rock music. 1direction go in

I suck eggs

allow it

carpe diem

looking for a relaysh inbox offerers

south side all dayyy


How dare you..

manz a peckham chick don’t watch dat

Luv ya babes

you got fraped.

Fuck you lynda

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